Tuesday, November 13, 2012

News for this week 11/12

Thanks to everyone that was able to be a part of the Veteran's Day Parade!  I know it always makes the Veterans proud that they are honored in such a way!  They sacrifice so much so that we can have liberty; something we take for granted because we have never had it snatched away from us! Lets make sure we don't take for granted those that have fought for us to have it!  Thank you to everyone that has served this great nation in any and all capacities! AND thank you to all the girls and leaders that were able to be there.  

Troop T-Shirts

We are working on ordering troop t-shirts. We need your Girl Scout's t-shirt size.Please email, facebook or text me (Melba) as soon as possible.

Juniors are collecting items for the humane society. They need food, cat litter toys, bleach, air fresheners and any other items you may think of for a cat or dog. You can drop them off at the meetings Thanks!

Directions to meeting TODAY!

Reminder - Girl Scout Meeting , November 13th @ 4:30-6:30 p.m.

We will be meeting at the Coastal College of Georgia behind the old Student Activity Center.

Directions: * Please enter off of 4th Street into the College area* Drive straight until you can go no further.* Turn right and drive to the back of the old Student Activity Center. We will be in the parking area directing the traffic

Reminders via text

If you are not receiving text reminders from our troop and would like to, please click on the site below and sign-up on our broadband texter page. If you have any questions, please let me know.

 Thank you,  Melba

Don't forget to bring in your cans and to remove the tabs! Put those in a separate baggie. 

LOL....I just had to add this lady!!!  She soooooooo reminds me of myself!  Frazzled!!!!  Can you relate???? LOL