Friday, August 10, 2012

Daisy Uniforms

* Uniforms make each girl easily identifiable to each other and to the public.
* Uniforms foster a feeling of unity among members.
* Uniforms reinforce the sense of belonging to the Girl Scout Movement.
* You are NOT required to purchase a uniform to be a Girl Scout. You WILL BE REQUIRED to wear a pin or girl scout t-shirt for public events (ie. Booth Sales)
* The sash or vest should be worn to the meeting and can be purchased throug the girl scouts website.
* The pants and white shirt are only for official  ceremonies or activities (ie. Cookie Booth sales) and can be purchased at the store of your choice.
* - website to order uniform and related items.  Also, join the email list and you will be notified of clearance items through the year.

Each girl will start their sash/vest with:

* American Flag Patch
* Insignia Tab (felt or ribbon)
* Iron On Troop Number (Must have all numbers 30024)

Daisies (Gr. K-1) - earn petals, leaves and patches

Patches are different and more loosely defined.  Patches are also fabric and come in many differnt shapes and sizes, but they don't all coome from our national organization.  Some come from GSUSA for special projects, some patches are created by our local council, the unit or a local vendor such as a state park or museum. 

There are two types of patches:

* Fun patches for any age level for attending a special event like a council or service unit event, holiday parade, hay ride or movie night (put on back of vest/sash).

* Earned patches that have a set of requirements like a badge or try-it except that patches are for more than one age level.  For instance, GSCB's Junior Ranger Patch, can be earned by Daisies, Brownies, Juniors or Teens. (put on front of vest/sash)


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